Once upon a time...

As all great things do, it all started with a vision, find a niche yet major problem with minimal solutions and provide what everyone's been looking for... an affordable, useful and high quality compressor that'll last a lifetime


What Was Next?

Tens of thousands of dollars spent across different manufacturers, testing different designs lead us here, we were finally able to provide a high quality compressor that suited everyones needs. With long battery life, doubles as a portable charger and capability to pump up to 150PSI, the PortaCompressor came out better than we could've ever expected though it wasn't always this way...


Problems, Problems, Problems!

Prior to PortaCompressor 2.0, we trialed the first PortaCompressor (1.0) and while many were pleased, we received tons of feedback. After reading through thousands of emails, reviews, etc. We came to a conclusion, battery life needed improvement, more versatility & higher PSI which can now be found in PortaCompressor 2.0!


The Future of PortaCompressor

What's next for PortaCompressor? As PortaCompressor 2.0 has only recently been released, we are excited to hear everyones feedback and what we can improve on. For now, we're working on selling to other locations such as NZ aswell as implementing phone support & launching on Amazon